In 2019, we embarked on a mission to develop a revolutionary solution for clean energy—delivered on demand and free from the challenges of renewable energy intermittency. Our vision was to create a user-controlled energy device, empowering enterprise users with the ability to generate reliable, sustainable clean energy whenever they need it.

The initial results were promising, including our first concept of a forced air recovery generator that uses artificial exhaust from industrial HVAC systems to recycle energy in industrial sites. However, we were quickly introduced to even more problems to solve, including exhaust efficiency and back pressure issues with significant negative impacts on the host HVAC system.

After years of continued R&D, we are at Release Candidate 1 Stage . A wind generator that physically attaches to the exhaust fan of an industrial-commercial HVAC system, and produces electricity to be returned to the host building. All while enhancing the flow of the exhaust fan, avoiding back pressure issues, and producing as much as 65% of the energy consumed by the host exhaust fan.

predictable. recycled. on-demand clean energy

COMING Q4 2025

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